Top 10 Antibiotic Herbs

Tara Hubbard a certified herbalist, certified aromatherapist, and medical aesthetician lists the following as her top 10 antibiotic herbs

Aloe - Àloe Vera is a powerful herb that has been used for thousands of years by the Europeans in other cultures for the treatment of difficult ailments. Aloe vera is extremely effective for treating minor microbiotic, acne, fungal, and bacterial infections, given its highly potent ingredients that inhibit of microorganisms. Aloe also helps treat inflammation that can be triggered by various of causes and can minimize swelling within hours. 

Cinnamon - A study conducted by a group of surgeons found that cinnamon oil was able to kill common viruses, many of them found in hospitals. Some of these hospitals acute infections are MRSA and streptococcus. There are precautions with cinnamon some people could develop an allergy to cinnamon anyone taking blood thinners must be careful consuming cinnamon, also do not use cinnamon as the sole treatment for serious illnesses.  

Echinacea - A very well-known herb, apply directly to the back of the throat is most effective in case of throat infections. Some research has also been done showing its effectiveness in treating abnormal Pap smear results, commonly unknown as HPV. Use 5 drops of echinacea oil and a glass of water, gargle for 3 mins for respiratory infections.

Eucalyptus - This is another great herb to use in steam inhalation. Alternative, you can add 1 to 2 drops of essential oil just boil the water and inhale the vapor. Or dry out eucalyptus and tie the bunch of herbs to your shower head for an invigorating and healing shower. 

Garlic - This smelly but amazing herb is an antibiotic powerhouse. It has antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus, Proteus, Pseudomonas. Also known to ward off vampires.

Ginger - has significant backing as anti-nausea agent. It may offer other benefits to those stricken with infectious diarrhoea. somewhat mysterious, garlic interferes with the disease causing bacteria, rather than the friendly bacteria such as Lactobacillus that colonize the intestines. Feeling nauseous? Grate ginger into fine little pieces and place in teabag, steep for 2-5 mins and enjoy.  

Ginger has anti-fungal activity against the yeast Candida albiicans. It's also discourages intestinal worms. 

Honey - honey has a long medical history. The ancient Europeans not only made offerings of honey to their gods, they also used it as in bombing fluid and dressings for wounds. Today, researchers confirm the anti-fungal and antibacterial properties of the sweet and tasty remedy, beneficial in effective healing of skin rashes, burns and scratches. Also very effective in skin care use for combating T-bacteria and gently cleanse the skin without stripping the natural oils off the skin.

Juniper - Jupiter is the short, prickly evergreen that grows between four and 40 feet high. an infusion of berries has diuretic properties. It also aids aching muscles, stomach upsets or menstrual pains.

Tea Tree - also known as melaleuca, is well known for its powerful antiseptic properties and its ability to treat wounds. Tea tree oil is used for numerous things such as making cleaning products, killing T bacteria in acne prone skin, diffusing it in the air to kill mold, applying it to topically to heal skin infection. 

Sage - white, silvery bush that is an ancient herb used for thousands of years for its anti-septic an antibiotic properties. Sage is especially good for your throat, tonsils, and respiratory infections as well as infectious of the mouth. Sage is easy to find in Canada and is a must for your herb garden. Some people burn dry sage as incense to refresh and clear a room. Some people use that as an antiseptic wash. Prepare a strong tea from fresh or dried sage and use it to wash wounds and burns.


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